Sunday, June 3, 2018

Funny Cartoon Animal- In Real Life!- Timon (Lion King)

Timon is not a cat. Nor is he a kat. He is also not a mirror. Rather, he is a meerkat.

Timon (The Lion King).png


Meerkats are small burrowing animals, living in large underground networks with multiple entrances which they leave only during the day, except to avoid the heat of the afternoon.[32] They are very social creatures and they live in colonies together.[15] Animals in the same group groom each other regularly.[21] The alpha pair often scent-mark subordinates of the group to express their authority.[33] There may be up to 30 meerkats in a group.[15]
To look out for predators, one or more meerkats stand sentry, to warn others of approaching dangers.[34] When a predator is spotted, the meerkat performing as sentry gives a warning bark or whistle, and other members of the group run and hide in one of the many holes they have spread across their territory.[35]

Meerkats are primarily insectivores, but also eat other animals (lizardssnakesscorpionsspiderseggs, small mammalsmillipedescentipedes and, more rarely, small birds), plants and fungi (the desert truffle Kalaharituber pfeilii[18]). Meerkats are immune to certain types of venom, including the very strong venom of the scorpions of the Kalahari Desert.[19]

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